Discovery An icon for our discovery genre coffee.


Duromina Washed

This washed Heirloom, cultivated at 1,980 MASL, is creamy and floral with a sun-warmed jasmine aroma and a tannin-like finish.

Duromina, which means “to improve their lives” in Afan Oromo, is a cooperative in the southwestern Jimma Zone, Ethiopia. Established in 2010, the cooperative transformed traditional coffee production by focusing on quality control and installing a wet mill with support from TechnoServe, including technical training and financial assistance. This high-altitude region, with its rich soils and heirloom varietals, now produces exceptional coffees, consistently scoring above 90. Duromina's commitment to excellence was recognised in 2012 when their coffee was named the best in Africa by an international panel of judges. 


Store in a cool, dry place.

Once open we recommend using within 7 days.

Duromina Washed

This washed Heirloom, cultivated at 1,980 MASL, is creamy and floral with a sun-warmed jasmine aroma and a tannin-like finish.

Duromina, which means “to improve their lives” in Afan Oromo, is a cooperative in the southwestern Jimma Zone, Ethiopia. Established in 2010, the cooperative transformed traditional coffee production by focusing on quality control and installing a wet mill with support from TechnoServe, including technical training and financial assistance. This high-altitude region, with its rich soils and heirloom varietals, now produces exceptional coffees, consistently scoring above 90. Duromina's commitment to excellence was recognised in 2012 when their coffee was named the best in Africa by an international panel of judges. 


Store in a cool, dry place.

Once open we recommend using within 7 days.

The perfect combinations

buy together and save:

View all Bundles
All 3 Beans Bundle
All 3 Beans Bundle
CGLE Mokka / Filter / 150g
El Oso Microlot / Filter / 250g
Santa Anita Washed / Filter / 250g
Buy together — 45.00
All 3 + Gesha Beans Bundle
All 3 + Gesha Beans Bundle
CGLE Mokka / Filter / 150g
El Oso Microlot / Filter / 250g
El Zacatin Gesha / Filter / 150g
Santa Anita Washed / Filter / 250g
Buy together — 69.00